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Yoichiro Nambu Memorial Symposium report

Published on Oct 05, 2015


On 29 September OCU held a special symposium in memory of the late Professor Nambu, Nobel Prize winner and Distinguished Professor Emeritus of our university.

At the symposium nine scholars, among whom Professor Koichi Yamawaki of the Nagoya University Graduate School of Science and Professor Hiroshi Itoyama of the OCU Graduate School of Science, who both worked with Professor Nambu directly, explained the great contributions of Professor Nambu to the development of elementary particle physics, the n-body problem, quantum field theory and string theory.

More than 100 scholars and students from all over Japan attended the symposium and were given a valuable opportunity to hear about the creativity and originality of the talented Nambu, which we hope will be an inspiration for all future generations.

Photo impression of the symposium

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???? Opening address by President Nishizawa          ?? Professor Itoyama

150924南部シンポ6  150924南部シンポ5
?????? Professor Fujikawa (Tokyo University)       ? Professor Yamawaki (Nagoya University) 

150924南部シンポ7  150924南部シンポ3
??????????????????? Professor Sakuragi ?   ????????????????????????? Closing speech by Vice President Miyano
