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Debriefing for Essayer Activity Support Project showcasing students' ingenuity!

Published on Apr 23, 2021


210419_0.jpg On Thursday, March 18, 2021, at 2:30 p.m., a report meeting for the "*Essayer Activity Support Project" was held. This year was held using a remote conference system to prevent the spread of the coronavirus.

 Seven organizations that were adopted in FY2020 presented.
 All the groups carried out very interesting and creative activities even though they were forced to engage in limited group activities.
 There was also a Q&A session among the students, which made for a lively debriefing session.
 At the end, President Arakawa and the?Essayer Activity Selection Committee members gave their comments, and the presenters from each student group listened intently.

*"Essayer" comes from French meaning "to try out"

1. Nagaya Gaya Gaya Executive Committee

?210419_1.jpg? ? ? ? ? ? ? ?Details here (Japanese only)

2. Student Maishima Project

?210419_2.jpg? ? ? ? ? ? ? Details here (Japanese only)

3. Environmental Reporting Project

?210419_3-1.jpg? ? ? ? ? ? ? Details here (Japanese only)

4. Parent/Child Cafe Osora

?210419_4.jpg? ? ? ? ? ? ? Details here (Japanese only)

5. Is Local Lame? Executive Committee

?210419_5.jpg? ? ? ? ? ? ? Details here (Japanese only)

6.OCU Labo

?210419_6.jpg? ? ? ? ? ? ? Details here (Japanese only)


?210419_7.jpg? ? ? ? ? ? ? Details here (Japanese only)

◆What is the Essayer Activity?
Osaka City University and the Osaka City University Education Supporters Association collaborated to launch a new project last year to support student volunteer work. This year, 10 organizations have been selected.
