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Honaikude's proposal wins the Excellence Award.

Published on Jan 05, 2021


Link to Japanese article here

On Saturday, December 5, 2020, the "Kansai Union Council Meeting for Exchange of Opinions with University Students" (hosted by the Kansai Union) was held, and two teams from Honaikude※, the "Water Remodeling Team" and the "Education Team," participated in the meeting. Among the 18 teams that passed the screening, the "Water Remodeling Team" won the Excellence Award for its proposal of "A New Environmental Model City Plan for the Water Metropolis of Osaka.?

 This meeting was for university students and graduate students to exchange of opinions on policies of the Kansai Union, under the theme of "Osaka-Kansai World Exposition as an Opportunity for the Regional Development of Kansai."?

 Mr. Keito Kawagishi, a second-year doctoral student at Osaka Prefecture University, said, "Until now, environmental measures have been about weighing environmental protection against convenience, as if they are something we have to endure. So we came up with this policy proposal after discussing ideas with other members of the group to find a way to balance the environment with convenience, so that the environment would be improved without us even knowing it. Encouraged by this award, we would like to further accelerate our activities in preparation for the World Exposition in five years.?

Water Remodeling Team" (Excellence Award winner)

 Members: Osaka City University: Nago (leader), Sada, Furuta

      Osaka Prefecture University: Kawagishi

      Tezukayamagakuin University: Fukura

      Kobe University: Higuchi

 Summary of Presentation: Citing difficulties of taking action when it comes to environmental issues as the problem, the presentation focused on the "stingy" and "friendly" characteristics of Osaka people. Combined with "aquaponics," a cultivation method for growing fish and vegetables at the same time, we made the following three policy proposals.?

  1. "My Fish, My Vegetable System" - Customers can buy baby fish and seedlings.
  2. "Compost Point" - Save money by recycling biodegradable containers!
  3. "Shared Aquaponics Field" - An edible aquarium in the city!.

※What is Honaikude: /ja/news/2019/r5vyc1-1


