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Emergency Support Allowance for students in need (1st application)

Published on May 11, 2020


Emergency Support Allowance for students in need
Application guideline (1st application)

Due to the spread of COVID-19 infections, we understand that students are in a difficult situation where activities are restricted and income from part time jobs cannot be expected. It has been decided that Osaka City University will pay emergency support allowances for students who are suffering from paying rent and food as well as purchasing daily necessities.
Please read following instructions to make an application.

1. Eligible students

OCU students, both undergraduate and graduate, who are in financial need and meet the following conditions, excluding研修生(Non-traditional students who are government/company employees receiving extra training, etc.), credited auditors and those who have been absent during the 2020 academic year (limited to 2,000 students)

2. Conditions for Application

Two of the following three items must apply.
1) Those who are in a boarding house (As of 1 May 2020, the student’s address which has been registered in the university must differ from the one of his/her guardians.
2) Those whose income from their part time job is decreasing.
(Added on 15 May: Including cases where part-time work in April was not possible due to the impact of COVID-19)

3) Those who have been successfully approved, or have applied, or will apply for financial support system. (Except for scholarships for which students directly applied.)

Please describe your current financial needs. (Maximum of 400 Japanese words / 800 English characters) by using the application form on the website.

(Note): The following students are not applicable as this application is for the ones who will be approved to be in need due to the spread of COVID-19 infections.
- Recipients of 80,000yen/month of grant-type scholarship
- Japanese Government scholarship students

- Others, students who are not approved as those in financial need

3. Decision of payment of emergency support allowance

President will make a final decision based on the contents of the application.

4. Amount and time of payment

The amount will be allocated based on the number of applicants with an upper limit of 50,000 yen and paid as soon as they are prepared.

5. Application procedures

Log-in to UNIPA(Osaka City University “Universal Passport”) ?and access the “緊急支援給付金WEB申請フォームEmergency support WEB allowance application form”, fill out and submit.
If you cannot access UNIPA, please contact the Global Exchange Office.

6. Deadline

5:00PM, Friday, 22nd May 2020 (If the number of applicants reach to the maximum number, the application may be closed before the deadline.)

7. Bank transfer

The allowance will be transferred to the bank account of each student. Please enter it in the WEB application form. (Only Japanese bank account)
In principle,?applicants need to have a Japanese bank account. If you do not have one, please contact the Global Exchange Office.

8. Return of emergency support allowance

If any of the following items apply, all emergency support allowance must be returned.
- Those who neglect to submit copies of documents such as certificates when asked by the university.
- When false declarations become known.
- Other, when necessity of emergency support is not approved.

9. Regarding the 2nd application

Depending on the 1st application, the 2nd application will be considered. Details are not known at moment.


English (PDF)? ?Chinese (PDF)

If you have any questions, please email us to the attention below.
? ?Global Exchange Office :? goto.ocu@ado.osaka-cu.ac.jp
