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Yoichiro Nambu Memorial Award Ceremony Held on 24 October

Published on Nov 14, 2019


On Thursday 24 October, 2019 an award ceremony and series of lectures were given for the “Yoichiro Nambu Memorial Award for Young Researchers” on the 10F of the Media Center at Osaka City University. ?

Funded by the government-run “Hometown Donation System“, the Yoichiro Nambu Memorial Award for Young Researchers was established in 2017. It encourages young researchers to “think global, act local (Glocal)“ as well as improves the standard of research at OCU by awarding young OCU researchers whose theses have achieved tremendous results with scholarships. The award is named after the late OCU Professor Emeritus/Distinguished Professor Emeritus Yoichiro Nambu who taught at the former OCU Faculty of Science and Engineering. It commemorates Dr. Nambu’s achievements and continues his tradition of nourishing and educating young researchers.

31 researchers applied this 3rd time around - more than any previous year. A certificate and research scholarship of 500,000 yen were awarded to five young researchers by President Arakawa.

This year award winners also gave memorial lectures where they gave thanks, talked about their memories of Dr. Nambu and shared details of their research.

Opening address by Vice President Hiroyuki Sakuragi
Opening address by Vice President Hiroyuki Sakuragi
Address by President Tetsuo Arakawa
Address by President Tetsuo Arakawa
Award ceremony 
Award ceremony 
Group photo
Group photo

Award winners


Yoshihiro Ojima
Associate Professor
Graduate School of Engineering

"Development of New Bioprocesses based on the Genetic Cell Function Control of Microorganisms"


Shunsuke Yamana
Associate Professor
Graduate School of Science

"Modular Forms and L-functions"


Jianbo Liang 
Associate Professor
Graduate School of Engineering

"Creation of High-functional Interface of Diamond and Dissimilar Materials and Device Applications"


Hiromitsu Takeuchi 
Graduate School of Science

"Dynamics of Spontaneous Symmetry Breaking in Superfluid"


Koichi Sato
Specially Appointed Lecturer
Nambu Yoichiro Institute of Theoretical and Experimental Physics (NITEP)

"Microscopic Theory of Large-amplitude Collective Motion of Nucleus"
