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Participated in the 2019 China International Industry Fair(17-21 September, 2019)

Published on Oct 04, 2019


Osaka City University (OCU) participated in the China International Industry Fair, the most influential international industrial fair in China, which took place in the National Exhibition and Convention Center, the world biggest exhibition hall in Shanghai from Tuesday 17 to Saturday 21 September 2019.
This fair has been held every year since 1999 and it celebrated the 21st anniversary this year. OCU has been participating in it for 10 consecutive years and it is the only participating university from Japan.

Under the theme of “Urban Science at OCU -healthy city and industry-academia-government collaborations”, those in the related companies as well as Chinese students enrolling at OCU, exhibited posters and products for promoting business on results of joint research between OCU researchers and the companies.

Publication of results of research in Shanghai, a global metropolis, is expected to lead to further development of research activities at OCU.

At the China International Industry Fair


Details of Exhibitions

■Advanced industrial wastewater treatment facility for efractory organic wastewater
□Faculty in charge: Noritsugu Kometani, Professor, Graduate School of Engineering
Website: (http://www.a-chem.eng.osaka-cu.ac.jp/kometani_group/index.html
□Related company: J TOP CO, LTD(http://www.jtops.com/

■Diagnostic Imaging “DOKUEI SHINAN”
□Faculty in charge: Sawako Uchida-Kobayashi, Lecturer, Graduate School of Medicine

■Development of Skin Care Products Aiming for Collagen Production Effect
□Faculty in charge: Akiko Kojima, Associate Professor, Graduate School of Human Life Science
□Related company:CEDARCOS JAPAN(http://www.cedarcos.com

■”Scientific Study of Fatigue” -Solution and Prevention of Fatigue Mechanism/Recovery Methods-
□Related center:Center for Health Science Innovation (CHSI)
□Related company: Japan Preventive Med(https://japanpm.com/
