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Be Active and Enjoy a Healthier Life ~Physical Activity and Bone Health for Adults ~

Published on Sep 02, 2019


As osteoporosis has no symptoms, in most cases, people with osteoporosis don't know they have the condition. However, once they experience a fracture or break, it will require time to treat, deteriorate quality of life due to reducing the movement function and finally lead to require nursing care.

Physical exercise is not only effective on bone itself, such as increasing bone density and improving bone strength, but also considered effective means on the physical strength and healthy lifestyle of osteoporosis patients.

Professor Scott Going (specializing in nutritional sciences) of University of Arizona will be invited as a lecturer and he will explain how to exercise focusing on “adult bone health”.

Date/Time Tuesday, 17 September, 2019
3:30 pm - 4:30 pm
Venue Culture Exchange Room, 1F in the Media Center,
Sugimoto Campus, Osaka City University (OCU)
How to Register No advanced registration required
Participation Fee Free
Capacity 80 (First-come-first basis)
Participants Anyone
Inquiry Academic Administration Division, OCU 
TEL: 06-6605-2132
Organized by Research Center for Urban Health and Sports, OCU
Supported by Fit'n Academy, OCU
