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Wishing Further Exchanges - Opinions Were Shared with University of Le Havre

Published on May 07, 2018


Faculty of University of Le Havre, France, visited Osaka City University (OCU) on Tuesday 24 April 2018. From University of Le Harvre, Dean of the Faculty of International Affairs/Professor of Economics Morgane CHEV?, Associate Dean of the Faculty of International Affairs Dominique Smith, and Associate Professor Akira Terada participated while from OCU Vice President/Director of Global Exchange Office Odanaka, Dean of Faculty of Business Mukoyama and Professor Ota participated in this meeting.

With Osaka and Le Havre being sister ports, the OCU Faculty of Business and University of Le Harvre Faculty of International Affairs signed an exchange agreement in 1990. Since then, students visit each other’s university for a month every year, offering them a precious chance to foster an international sense. Positive ideas were exchanged for further exchange in the future.?

Exchanged ideas
Exchanged ideas
Commemorative photo
Commemorative photo
