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Students and professors of the Graduate School of Science visit National Taiwan Normal University

Published on Oct 31, 2016


On 23 September 2016 8 students and 4 academic staff members of the Graduate School of Science’s Mathematics & Physics Department visited National Taiwan Normal University to participate in a joint workshop for graduate students.

The exchange project was realized through the effort of Professor Makoto Tsubota of the OCU Graduate School of Science and Professor Hsiang-Lin Liu, Chairman of the National Taiwan Normal University’s Department of Physics, who both wanted to increase the number of exchange opportunities, especially for graduate students.
The students had to prepare a 30 minute presentation, for which they practiced extensively in advance, so they came to the workshop well-prepared. During the workshop the students asked each other sharp questions about their theoretical calculations and experiments, making them realize that there are always still many things you don’t know, even if it is about your own research.

After the workshop the group was given a tour of the laboratory and the next day they visited one other university. The program has most certainly given them a valuable chance to become acquainted with different facets of Taiwanese culture.

Professor Tsubota introducing OCU

Poster session

Group photo
